It was a privilege to be on the road with Solid Rock this past fall. I was encouraged and impressed by the Christian climbers I met at Joshua Tree (CA) and Red Rocks (Las Vegas, NV). We met together to climb and fellowship, and to share the love of God with the climbing community. In breathtakingly beautiful settings, it was my "job" to share the best news I've ever heard, the coming of Jesus Christ, with people from all over the world. How cool is that? I thank God for an amazing fall season, and all of the people who helped to make it possible!
Climbing in Joshua Tree with Solid Rock member, Travis Wilcox
Solid Rock Coffee Outreach
Solid Rock members worship together in Red Rocks John is camping out and working in Las Vegas to earn money for his family back in Chicago. He was grateful for the opportunity for fellowship.
The Klein family, Kurt Wedberg and myself at 13 Mile Campground
I have the privilege of living in vehicle and traveling through the western US instructing outdoor education programs and climbing rocks. I have a passion for the outdoors, and for empowering others to recognize and achieve the potential that lies within them.
I am a Christian, and my faith in Christ is the source of my joy, hope, and peace.