We had a great time visiting, and then my aunt loaded us up with goodies for our journey. As we were traveling on a budget, we only ended up only having to stop at one grocery and one fast food place on the whole eight day trip. Thanks Aunt Sylvia!
I was awestruck at the beauty and majesty of the rock and surrounding scenery. We could have stayed and explored for weeks, but I admit, it was cold!
We enjoyed going for runs in warmer weather after a lot of driving, and a mellow day of bouldering (sometimes it's nice to leave all that gear behind), followed by a couple of trad routes the next day.

Done with our climbing, we decided to high-tail it: 19 hours straight for home! We had plenty of coffee, good discussions, silly radio sing-alongs, and road trip games to keep us awake.
After dropping Scott off in Blacksburg (and a good nap), I drove the last 4 hours home to spend Christmas with my family.