On a beautiful fall day two years ago, my friend and I were praying together. That particular day our prayers had no agenda, other than to enjoy time with God and to sit and listen. That’s when I heard God say, “Oregon.”
Six months later, I packed up my car and drove across the country to Oregon. I sent in a few applications before I left, but had no job to greet me when I arrived. Looking back, it is amazing to see how God planned and supported me every step of the way! He provided friends and family to stay with, campgrounds when I got tired driving, fellowship when I was lonely, jobs and food when funds were low, and much more. Most of all, God has given me the gracious gift of His forgiveness, through Jesus Christ, who atones for me, despite my daily transgressions. Thankfully, the master plan did not end at the cross, but allows us to experience eternal life, living each day in relationship with Him.
Admittedly, there are many days when I do not feel God’s presence. However, it is His love and promise of a close relationship that keeps me going each day, and fuels my desire to share that hope with those around me. Sharing Christ’s love can be done in so many different ways, and he gives each person unique passions and gifts. I have been working, learning and training in the field of Outdoor Education for the past nine years.
Now I am thrilled at the chance to hit the road doing some outdoor education instructing, and some ministry to the climbing community. My work this fall will combine my profession, my passion and my calling!