Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hueco Tanks (El Paso, TX)

Our last climbing destination for our four month mission trip with Solid Rock Climbers for Christ was Hueco Tanks, TX.
It is a popular winter bouldering area. Although Gretchen and I tend to be more comfortable climbing on ropes, it was awesome to see the power, determination, and technique of those who work shorter, harder boulder problems over and over again, until they master them.

We were privileged to spend time with a Solid Rocker, Rob (pictured below with his beautiful daughter Ella). Rob is passionate about Jesus Christ and about adventure sports, and his enthusiasm is contagious! He and his wife are building a house near Hueco, and look forward to reaching out to climbers there.
We also got to hang out with some wonderful folks who are missionaries with Casas por Cristo. They partner with local Mexican churches and mission teams from American churches to build homes for needy families across the border.
For some of us, anything goes when it comes to bouldering!
Our last day of climbing on (official) mission, (sigh). My "bachelorette trip" as one friend coined it, is now over... but what a ride it has been!The great thing I am reminded of is that it is crucial for Christians to serve God through how we live our lives every day, whether we are "on mission" or not. Our mission field is right here, all around us. May we live and love as Christ did, and reflect His glory wherever we are!

Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

1 John 3:18

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Saying Goodbye to the Road

Joshua Tree National Park has been as much a home to me as anyplace I have frequented the last three winters. God has taught me a lot here, and I am continually awed by the beauty and majesty of His creation in this desert environment.
Friends and family joined Gretchen and I for our last weekend bash in the park. We rented a group campsite and had 30 people stop in for at least some of the festivities!

We climbed:
We hung out:We ate:
...and ate!
We worshiped and gave thanks
...and we said goodbye to our friends out west and to the amazing rocks and scenery of one of our favorite places.Thank you God!